 Local organization
 Time schedule
 Registration form
 Freedom Policy
 Sponsors &Exhibition

We are grateful to the

Universität Bayreuthubt_logofor supplying technical assistance, lecture halls and PC pools free of charge.

We are further grateful for financial support from

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (DGK)

Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG)

International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)

International Centre for Diffraxction Data (ICDD)icdd_logo

Clariant GmbH, Frankfurtbasf

Stoe & Cie, Darmstadtclariant

Bruker AXS, Karlsruheaxs_logo

Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC), CambridgeCCDC_Logo

Molecular Simulation Inc. (MSI), CambridgeMSI_logo

Böhringer Ingelheim, Biberach a.d. Riss boehringeringelheim_logo

Crystal Impact, Bonnci_logo2

BASF AG, Ludwigshafenstoelogo

Philips Analytical, AlmeloPhilips_logo

        Due to the generous support, it was possible to keep registration costs for this workshop low and to award 15 travel grants to students to cover all local costs at Bayreuth as well as part of their travel costs.



Philips Analytical (Lower lobby of the NWII building)

Bruker AXS (Lower lobby of the NWII building)

Stoe & Cie (Lower lobby of the NWII building)

ICDD (Lower lobby of the NWII building)

Crystal Impact (Lower lobby of the NWII building)

MSI (NWII building, Computer Pool 3.2.U1.170)

[workshop2000] [Programme] [Travel] [Faculty] [Local organization] [Time schedule] [Registration form] [Participants] [Freedom Policy]