Laboratory of Crystallography, University of Bayreuth

BGI-Building,   Phone: +49-921-553881,   Fax: +49-921-553770, Address

Workshop on Structural Analysis of Aperiodic Crystals, 

23 August 2005 at the XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Florence, Italy.

The Commission on Aperiodic Crystals of the IUCr announces a Workshop on Structural Analysis of Aperiodic Crystals to be held at the XX Congress of the IUCr in 2005 in Florence.

A short description of the Workshop is given here (PDF file).

Book of Abstracts, includes program and abstracts. Posted 14 July 2005 (PDF file). 


Registration for this workshop is done via the registration form of the XX Congress of the IUCr at the WEB site of the XX Congress. Please select Workshop No. 4.

Workshop on Structural Analysis of Aperiodic Crystals    © Sander van Smaalen, University of Bayreuth
Last change: 14 July 2005